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Bills are invoices issued by creditors, suppliers to request payment for goods or services. Eg.Utility, Medicals, Taxes, Insurance

To create a Bill, On the Account page,

  1. Select Purchases
  2. Select Bill
  3. Select New Bills
  4. Complete the required fields
  5. Save and close
  6. Select More to,
  • Edit bill
  • Duplicate bill
  • Attach receipt
  • Delete bill

On the same page, you can

  • Search bill by date
  • Search bill by entry source
  • Search bill by vendor
  • Print bill items
  • Make Bulk payment for bill

To Make Bulk payment for bill,

  • Select Make Bulk Payment
  • Select Payment Date
  • Select Counterparty
  • Check if you want to specify date range for the payment to the bills. That is a bill payment date
  • Enter Bill amount
  • Select Payment Account
  • Check Apply withholding Tax if applicable
  • Select Make Payment

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