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Receive Stock

How to record stock already received from Suppliers

  1. On the inventory module, select Receive Stock
  2. Choose a warehouse (If you have multiple locations)
  3. Select New Stock Receipt
  4. Complete the required fields
Date ReceivedThis field records the date on which the inventory or purchase order was received from the vendor
VendorThis field captures the name or identification of the vendor or supplier from whom the inventory was purchased
MemoThe memo field allows you to add any additional notes or information related to the purchase or inventory, such as special instructions or details.
Paid Fully on Purchase?This field indicates whether the purchase has been paid for in full. It is r a checkbox to mark when the payment is complete.
Record TypeIndicate whether it is a Stock Receipt or opening stock
ProductThis field typically specifies the name or code of the product being purchased or added to inventory.
DescriptionA description field allows you to provide more details about the product, which can be helpful for identification or reference.
Expiry DateThis field is crucial for products with limited shelf life, such as perishable goods or medical supplies. It records the date when the product expires.
QuantityThis field indicates the quantity of the product received or purchased. It helps you track how many units of a product are in your inventory.
Unit PriceThe unit price field specifies the cost of each individual unit of the product. It's used to calculate the total cost of the purchase.
  1. Stock Receipt will generate a bill if ‘Paid’ was unchecked

How to upload stock received from suppliers

  1. Complete an Excel template
  2. On the inventory module, select stock Upload
  3. Complete the required fields: Account information and Purchase Order Information
  4. Select Choose a file to choose the excel file containing the records you want to upload.
  5. Select Upload

Note: Use the stock upload excel upload template provided. Ensure the upload is formatted in the right order

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