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Sell Products

Sell Products (using any of the processes below)

How to sell products using any of the above processes

POS Sales Process

  • Select Point of Sale
  • Choose a warehouse (if you have multiple locations)
  • Search for a product you want to sell
  • Slect the plus (+) symbol to add to cart (items being purchased)
  • Select Payment Account
  • Enter amount
  • Execute
  • Add and Execute
  • Print Receipt

Cash Sales Process

  • Select Credit|Cash Sales
  • Select Location (if you have more than one location)
  • Select New Cash sale
  • Complete required fields
  • Add new line (This shows information about the product you want to sell)
  • Select Process
  • Add Payment detail (That is if you do not have a default payment account)
  • Save

Cash Sale Information

Invoice DateThe date on which the seller issues the invoice to the customer
Payment instructionsPayment instructions can include additional relevant details related to the payment of the product
Customer NameA crucial element of the invoice, identifying the recipient of the product
Add New LineThis is where you select all the products the customer is purchasing, their right quantities, selling price, discounts
Customer NotesProvide additional details on the invoice. It will appear on the invoice

Credit Sale Process

  • Select Credit|Cash Sales
  • Select Location (If you have more than one location)
  • Select New Credit Sales
  • Complete required fields
  • Add new line (This shows iinformation about the product you want to sell)
  • Select Process
  • Add Payment detail (That is if you do not have a default payment account)
  • Save

Credit Sale Information

Invoice DateThe date on which the seller issues the invoice to the customer
Payment termsThis outlines the agreed-upon terms and conditions regarding when the customer is expected to make payment. Default terms are: 'Two weeks', 'Three weeks', 'One Month', 'Two Months', 'Forty-Five days', 'Specify date'
Due DateDate by which the customer is expected to make payments. Selecting a payment term automatically updates the due date
Payment instructionsPayment instructions can include additional relevant details related to the payment of the product
Customer NameA crucial element of the invoice, identifying the recipient of the product
Add New LineThis is where you select all the products the customer is purchasing, their right quantities, selling price, discounts
Customer NotesProvide additional details on the invoice. It will appear on the invoice

Sales Order Management

  • Select sales order
  • New sales order
  • Complete all required fields
  • Save

Sales Order Information

Order DateThe order date is the date on which the customer formally places the order for goods
Expected Delivery DateThis specifies when the customer can anticipate receiving the ordered goods
Delivery MethodThe delivery method outlines how the ordered goods or services will be transported or delivered to the customer. Default delivery method include Onsite Pick Up, Courier Service, Drop Off
CustomerCustomer information includes the name, contact details, billing address of the customer placing the order.
Order InstructionsOrder instructions provide specific details or special requirements related to the order.
Add New LineThis is where you select all the products the customer is ordering, their right quantities, selling price, discounts

Fulfilling sales order

  • Select Sales order
  • Identify the order and select more
  • Select fulfil order
  • Select fulfil All / fulfil Partially
  • Complete all fields
  • Save
  • Generate Invoice? Yes/No
  • Close

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