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Overview of Stock Upload

  • The stockt upload feature in AstraERP allows users to efficiently add all available stock to the system at once. This is particularly useful for managing large stock, saving time, and reducing manual errors.

Steps to Upload Stock

  1. Select Partner/supplier
  • Choose the appropriate supplier/partner you are receiving the stock from. This is required to proceed with the upload.
  1. Choose File
  • Click on the "Choose file" button to open a file dialog.
  • Select the file containing your sales data from your computer.
  1. Upload File
  • After selecting the file, click the "Upload" button to start the upload process.
  • Wait for the upload to complete. The interface will update to show the results.
  1. Review Results
  • Check the Successful List tab to see the stock records that were successfully uploaded.
  • Check the Failed List tab to review any errors and understand why certain records failed to upload.
  1. Clear File (Optional)
  • If you need to upload a different file, click the "Clear" button to reset the file selection and start over.

Other Components of Sales Upload

Upload Results

  1. Successful List: This tab displayss the list of succeessfully uploaaded stock records
  2. Failed Lists: It shows the records that failed to upload, along woth error messages explaining the reason for the failure.

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