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Payments Received

Overview - Payments Received

Payment received allows you to view all the payments you have recieved from your customers. You can view the payments recorded for your invoices.

Basic Functions in Payments Received

Manage Payments Received

  • Filter payments by:
    1. All invoice sources
    2. All payments types
    3. All clients
    4. Payments account
  • Custom view

Other Actions for Payments Received

  • Print payments received
  • Download as PDF
  • Mail payments Received

How to Receive Payment

  1. Go to Payments Received
  2. Select Receive Payment
  3. Select Counterparty (This automatically generate the counterparty deposits and all of its outstanding invoices)
  4. Enter amount of money you are recieving
  5. Indicate the Payment Account
  6. Make payment

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