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Bonuses are the additional payments made to employees beyond their regular salaries. These bonuses are classified into various types based on the purpose and timing of payment. This helps you to set and save bonuses of employees.

To create bonuses, On the payroll page,

  1. Select Compensations and Bonuses
  2. Select Refund Details on beneficial employee
  3. Complete required fields
  4. Select save and close


Compensation is the reward and benefits that employees receive from their employers in exchange for their work, service andd performance within an organisation.

This helps to keep records of employees that the company need to compensate. It will help when running payroll for employees and help check employer compensation to employees.

To create compensation for employee, On the payroll page,

  1. Select Compensation
  2. Select Refund Details on beneficial employee
  3. Complete required fields
  4. Select save and close

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