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Purchase Order

How to Order Goods from your Suppliers

  1. On the menu, select Purchase Order
  2. Select Add New Purchase Order
  3. Complete the required fields and Save
  4. Select Close to go back

How to Receive the Stock into your warehouse/shop

  • select Purchase Order
  • On the Purchase Order page, filter and search for the order you want to receive either by Date or by Location.
  • Select More
  • Select Receive Stock
  • On the Receive stock page
  • For Full PO receipt: select Receive All, this will automatically display details of the items (Product, Package, Expiry Date, Quantity, Cost Price, Total Cost) on the Stock Receipts section of the page.
  • Complete the required fields and save.

For Partial Purchase Order Receipt:

  • select Add New Entry
  • choose the items you want to receive payment for by selecting receive below the Receive All section of the page
  • Complete the required fields and save

Please note: Creating a Purchase Order and receiving stock automatically creates a bill

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